Convert Boolean Columns in a Dataframe to Float

A function to convert boolean columns in a dataframe to float dtype

By Chi Kit Yeung in Python Cookbook

July 28, 2024


I ran into the error Python Numpy TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types while trying to run statsmodel’s variance_inflation_factor function on a dataframe with categorical data dummy columns. The error is thrown when the data contains non-float values 1


import pandas as pd

def convert_bool_to_float(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Converts all boolean columns in a dataframe to float type
        df (pd.DataFrame): Input dataframe
        pd.DataFrame: Output dataframe with converted columns
    bool_cols = [col for col in df.columns if df[col].dtype == 'bool']
    float_df = df.copy()
    for col in bool_cols:
        float_df[col] = float_df[col].astype('float')
    return float_df


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"name": ['John', 'Karen', 'Stephanie'], 
                       "single": [False, True, True], 
                       "hungry": [True, False, True]})
>>> df
        name  single  hungry
0       John   False    True
1      Karen    True   False
2  Stephanie    True    True
>>> df_float = convert_bool_to_float(df)
>>> df_float
        name  single  hungry
0       John     0.0     1.0
1      Karen     1.0     0.0
2  Stephanie     1.0     1.0